
The one where I refuse to conform

On a bad day, when I feel like giving up

I seek the comfort of my mother’s arms

The feeling of stability she resonates

I find relief in her arms

The comfort of finding the one you look up to the most

The feeling of warmth that spreads through you

Even if it can’t fill the hollowness in your chest

It makes you feel loved for just a second

For a moment I forget the problems I have

The fights I have with her disappear

Silence envelopes us for those moments and

I don’t have to keep my guard up

In those moments, we just exist

Peacefully, beautifully

She showed me a post that said

“When in doubt, follow your mother”

All I could do was laugh in my mind

Following her?

Being a mini version of her?

I was already that

I hid myself in conflict

I gave in when there was a fight

I collapsed into myself

Tried to fold myself as small as I could

All in the hope that

Maybe now I could fit

I learnt to get hurt

It was okay to get hurt because they love you

Hurting someone means you love them, and they love you

It is better to hurt than to be alone

I learnt these things from my mother

These are the life lessons she has given me

I see all the women in my family duplicate themselves

They all try to make the next one independent

They tell them to be unlimited but always in a limited way

You should be career oriented, but you can never forget family

Having space is good but you can never demand it

Boundaries are important but not in the family sphere

Be social, have friends, but don’t go out too much

Friends can’t be family. You can’t tell them about abuse

Abuse is meant to be confined in the four walls

Let the hit come, let the words sting

It will feel like a hurricane

You will feel your self esteem shatter to bits

But you still must be graceful when you fall

Your established boundaries and the need for basic respect is too much an ask

You must learn from the women before you

They survived so far and so must you

But I try to betray these patterns

Try to stray away

Only to be pulled in deeper

Nobody lets you leave these behaviours behind

They don’t want you to have space

You should have no spine

You should continue to fold

Continue to make yourself smaller and try to fit in

I can’t fold any further.

My seven folds are over

And I am still not small enough to fit

I used to think you are unbreakable and you could never be wrong

But I see you try again and again

Pressing down

Asking for a little more and more and more

But this is where I tear

This is my goodbye
